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Thursday, November 22, 2007

廣州話粗口研究 - 10 - 粗口遊戲文字


10.1 歇後語
10.2 粗口詩
10.3 粗口謎語
10.4 粗口順口溜

10.1 歇後語

上句 下句
岸上海鷗 岸上seagull > 岸gull (戇)
法國大餐 多舊魚 (多餘)
童子軍跳彈床 scout彈 (事但)
細路哥 來日方長
盲公召妓 乜都得
老舉埋年 算數
老舉追數 催賬 (吹脹)
亞婆跑步 老都走
首富小便 握李 (呃你)
陽具生理堂 講
士啤呔爆埋 冇輪用 (冇用)
風吹皇帝褲浪 孤寒
孔夫子尿布 孔布 (恐怖)
馬騮打飛機 玩猿 (玩完)
老虎扯旗 伸虎 (辛苦)
太監騎馬 冇得頂
水中造愛 陰濕
太監宿舍 乜都冇
和尚寺宿舍 乜都冇
右邊賓州冇得住 左住晒 (阻住晒)
簫后唔做生意 嫌餿 (嚴肅)
筷子食西餐 冇叉用

10.2 粗口詩

你老母兮親下廚 / 邀你老母來下廚

10.3 粗口謎語

麻甩佬食自己 (猜農曆某日) 初七;初九 (初;初)
阿媽教女 (猜一甜品) 西米露 (咪露)
姣婆性慾起 (猜《金瓶梅》人物) 西門慶 (門)
香香公主自慰 (猜一點心) 香茜餃 (香搞)
印度朋友碌有味 (猜一點心) 叉燒酥(差簫酥(羶))

10.4 粗口順口溜


第11章 粗口英譯


11.1 粗口英譯的難與易
11.2 英語粗口的主要概念
11.3 英語粗口的語言特性
11.4 粗口單詞英譯
11.5 粗口句子英譯
11.6 粗口委婉句的英譯

11.1 粗口英譯的難與易


在英美社會,有談及粗口的參考書同樣缺乏。儘管當地不少人說粗口,但語言學者對粗口的研究大都態度冷淡。即使是以收詞齊備、釋義詳盡見稱的權威英語字典 Oxford English Dictionary,也要到一九七二年才破禁收入粗口英詞,但亦只是聊備一格,所列義項及例句既簡且陋,與其他詞條旁徵博引、解釋詳盡的編輯風格迥然有 別。語法書方面,Michael Swan在一九八零年牛津出版社出版的Practical English Usage一書中以整章共五頁的篇幅討論禁忌語及粗口(taboo words and swearwords),當時是相當大膽的做法,令不少學術界人士側目。該書深深切合外國人學習英語的需要,面世後一紙風行,成為同類語法書的典範。可 惜,到了第二版,基於未明的原因,粗口一章已全部刪去。

幸而,學習英語粗口不乏「活」的途徑,其中最有趣的莫過於看電影。不少娛樂性電影都有粗口,從電影劇情的脈絡,人物對答的上文下理,通常不難意會粗口的意 思,而且更可掌握地道的爆粗語境、語氣和音調等。此外,一些棟篤笑能手 (standup comedian)如George Carlin,演出時亦經常使用粗口,甚至以此作為搞笑題材。當然,從這些途徑學習粗口,需要具備一定的英語聆聽能力和語感。

11.2 英語粗口的主要概念


概念 常用的核心粗口詞彙
性禁忌及道德禁忌 (性交類詞語) ***
(手淫類詞語) wanker
(口交類詞語) cocksucker
(女性性器類詞語) ***
(男性性器類詞語) ***; ***
(身體器官類詞語) ***
(亂倫類詞語) *** (註:沒有「motherfuck」的逆構用法)
(私生子類詞語) ***; son of a ***
(同性戀、雞姦類詞語) bugger; faggot; sod
污穢事物 ***
褻瀆語言 damn; God damn
Jesus; Christ; Jesus Christ; God


11.3 英語粗口的語言特性


不及物動詞 (intransitive verb) They fucked all night.
及物動詞 (transitive verb) He fucked her.
名詞 (noun) He's a real ***.
She's a nice ***.
感歎語 (expletive) ***!
強調成分 (intensifier) What are you fucking doing here? (加強動詞)
She's fucking beautiful. (加強形容詞)
Days went by so fucking slowly! (加強副詞)
What a fucking idiot! (加強名詞)
中綴 (infix) abso-fucking-lutely
ex-fucking-cuse me
Jesus Fucking Christ
連接詞 (conjunction) She is easy, *** she's also stupid.


性交 He wants to *** the girl. (佢想條女。)
辱罵對方 *** you! (你老母!)
拒絕 You want me to help that ***. Fucked if I will! (你想我幫條臭,冇得傾!)
欺騙 He got fucked by the unscrupulous merchant. (佢畀個奸商呃。)
利用 Don't trust him. He's just trying to *** you over. (咪信佢,佢想利用你咋。)
一丁點兒 I don't give a ***. (我一都唔關心。)
令人討厭的人 He's a real ***. (佢真係個好討厭仆街。)
性伴侶 She's a nice ***. (佢真係個好正性對手。)
加強語氣 Where the *** have you gone? (你去邊?)
What the *** do you want from me? (你想我點樣?)
What are you fucking doing here? (你度做乜?)
What the *** are you doing here? (你度做乜?)
She's fucking gorgeous. (佢好正。)
Yesterday school went by so fucking slowly! (琴日返學時間過得好慢!)
胡混、閒蕩 I am fucking around with the website at the moment, so things are looking quite messy. (個網站家陣重係搞緊試緊,所以都幾亂。)
呼來喝去 The boss kept fucking him about. (老細成日將佢呼來喝去。)
甚麼也沒有 We did *** all this weekend. (今個周末我乜都冇做過。)
走開、滾蛋 *** off! (走開!)
算了吧! Oh, *** it! (,算數啦!)
表示吃驚、討厭 *** it! (嘩,!)
手淫 The suspect was caught fucking off on a bus. (疑犯巴士上面打飛機畀人捉到。)
搞糟、破壞、混亂、一塌胡塗 He has fucked up the whole project. (佢將成個計劃搞喎。)
The project is a total ***-up. (個計劃搞到一塌胡塗。)
管閑事、干涉、惹怒 Don't *** with me, ***. (仆街,你咪惹我呀。)
擅自摸弄 Don't *** with my books. (咪亂搞我書。)
精疲力竭 I can't walk any further. I am fucked out. (我已經到死,行唔郁。)
陷於窘境 The buyer has backed out of the deal. We are fucked. (買家退出交易,我死梗喇。)
討厭的 I hate this fucking work. (我好憎呢討厭工作。)
困難的 I did not know how to answer those fucking questions. (題目好深,我都唔識答。)
低劣的 He spent two hundread bucks and got this fucking ***. (佢使兩水買咁返。)
老做蠢事的人、辦事靠不住的人、笨蛋 That guy is a real ***-off. He screws up everything. (條友仔正一碌,乜都畀佢搞到一鑊泡。)
喝醉 He got so fucked up last night that he could not find his way home. (琴晚佢醉到唔識路返屋企。)
困惑 What the ***!? (搞乜呀!?)


*** off!
Piss off!
Get the *** out of here!
Move your ass out of here!
Get stuffed!
Go to hell!

此外,英語粗口詞很多時都不解作字面的意思。舉例說,英語粗口可以說cold as hell,也可以說hot as hell,甚至說funny as hell等。很明顯as hell不是形容地獄的情況,而只是褻瀆語言類別的粗口用詞。


11.4 粗口單詞英譯


swearing; bad language; foul language


swear; speak foul language

另外美國黑人的互相罵娘遊戲稱為 play the dozens 或do the dozens。


swearwords; bad words; dirty words; four-letter words; f-words






用作動詞時可譯作drop dead或go to hell。指討厭的人時可譯為asshole; ***; cocksucker; ***; fucker; ***-off; ***; real ***; son of a ***; wanker等。


字面可譯作death to your family。指討厭的人時可譯為asshole; ***; cocksucker; ***; fucker; ***-off; ***; real ***; son of a ***; wanker等。



譯入正式語可使用:coitus; copulate; have carnal knowledge; have sex; have sexual intercourse; have sexual relations等。

其他同義詞有:ball; bang; bonk; crawl; cream; crumpet; diddle; dip one's wick; do; do it; do the bone dance; do the nasty; frig; get into; get it off; get it on; get laid; get some; get some action; get some ass; get some crack; get some hair; get some hole; get some ***; get some stuff; get some tail; get some tweeze; get with; go all the way; go to bed with; have it off with; hide the salami; hop on; hose; hump; jazz; jelly; jig-jig; jounce; jug; juke; knock off; know; lay; lay off with; make it; make love; mount; nail; nooky; poke; pork; pound; quimsticking; ram; roger; roll in the hay; root; score; screw; shack up; shaft; shag; shove; slam; sleep with; slip a length; thread; throw a hump; throw a shot; tom around; trim; trim the buff; tumble; tumple; twiddle; wham-bam thank you ma'am; yard等。




其他同義詞有:banana; bayonet; bone; boner; club; creamstick; ding-a-ling; ding-dong; dingle-dangle; dong; dork; fucking stick; horn; john; johnson; joystick; meat; member; old man; one-eyed snake; one-eyed trouser trout; one-eyed wonder worm; pecker; peter; pintle; pisser; pole; private parts; privates; rod; root; salami; sausage; schlong; shaft; stalk; swipe; tool; trouser snake; tube; wang; whang; willie; winkle (小兒陰)等。



譯入正式語時可使用:vagina; vulva; pudenda。

其他同義詞有:bearded clam; beaver; box; cunny; fanny; *** flaps; *** hole; furbox; furburger; hole; muff; nook; nooky; piss flaps; pisser; poke hole; poontang; private parts; privates; quiff; screw-hole; slit; slot; snapper; snapping ***; snatch; snatch-box; tail等。



*** it!
Oh, ***!
*** me!
Damn it!
God damn it!
Oh, ***!
Jesus Christ!
Oh my God!
Holy ***!
Oh, hell!


***; cocksucker; dickhead; dickwad; dirt bag; douche bag; dumbfuck; fuckbag; fucker; fuckface; fuckhead; fucknut; jackass; ***; real ***; scumbag; shitface; wanker


glans; glans penis


assface; ***-brained; cocksucker; dickhead; dickwad; dumbass; dumbfuck; fuckass; fuckbrain; fuckchop; fuckface; fuckhead; fucking idiot; fucknut; fuckwad; fuckwit; lamefuck; shithead; stupid ***; stupid fucker; stupid ***


常用的對應詞有:blow somebody; facefuck; get head (受); give face (施); give head (施); go down on somebody; suck ***; suck ***; suck somebody; suck somebody off (口爆)等。此外,使用「job」的口語詞也不少:blow job; face job; french job; head job; hum job; pipe job; tongue job等。


其他同義詞有:bone-lipper; chew it; copa doodle; copa stem; drop on it; lay some lip; mouth ***; munch; open wide for chunky; serve head; smoke a ***; sucky-fucky; swing on it; suck on a pole等。


常用的對應詞有:give head (施); give face (施); get head (受); go down on somebody; eat somebody out; eat ***; facefuck等。此外,使用「job」的口語詞有:blow job; face job; french job; head job等。


其他同義詞尚有:dive a muff; go south; go under the house; plate; sit on one's face; smoke the fur; tongue-fuck等。


fat ***; fat ***; fat ***; fat ass


指生殖器時可譯為stinking ***; smelly cunt或sweaty twat。指不好的女人時可譯為cunt; ***; dirty whore等。


bangster; bit of crumpet; bit of tail; ***; cooze; ***; easy lay; easy make; easy meat; easy tumble; floozie; *** ass; hot lay; letching piece; loose woman; piece of ass; piece of crumpet; piece of stray; piece of tail; playgirl; pleaser; scrubber; scupper; sexpot; shagstress; slot-job; ***; strollop; tickle-tail; tramp; wag-tail; walk-up ***; wanton; warm bit; willing-tit


dumb ***


vaginal secretion; love juice; lather; letch-water


pubic hair; *** fur; bush; moss; *** hair; maidenhair


pubic hair; bush


常用口語有:assfuck; buttfuck; roger; do it up the ass; *** in the ass; *** in the brown; *** up the ass等。

譯入正式語時可用:anal sex; sodomy; buggery等。

其他同義詞有:back door; bum ***; butt bang; do a brown; fish for brown trout; fluff the duff; *** at the altar; go down the dirt road; paint the bucket; ram job; ream; ride the deck; saddle up; *** ***; sod; split some buns; thread someone; tom-fuck等。

11.5 粗口句子英譯

翻譯粗口句子沒有甚麼理論,只要譯出整體意思和語氣便可,一般無須過份拘泥字面意思。舉例來說,「你老母臭」,字面可譯為Fuck your mom's stinking ***,但西人實際上不會這樣說,譯為Fuck you已經可以。


你! *** you!
你老母! *** you!
*** your mom!
佢老母! *** the fucking fucker!
你啦死仆街! *** you, you fucking ***!
你去仆街啦! Go *** yourself!
*** off and die!
你真係死蠢呀仆街! You stupid ***!
那媽!條樣乜都搞到一鑊泡。 ***! This dickhead has fucked up everything.
呢條碌真係不知所謂。 This stupid *** is a fucking piece of ***.
佢過去幾年死蠢表現真係到令人難以置信。 His shitty performance over the past years is un-fucking-believable.
一塌糊塗!但佢一都唔覺得醜。 What a fucking mess! But he does not feel the least bit ashamed.
條豬白癡真係唔死都冇用。 This fucking idiot is a worthless *** who might as well fucking kill himself.
佢鴻圖大計全部都係廢話。 All his grand plans are just fucking bullshit.
佢鹵味以為自己係一哥,其實咪係隻含舔食屎狗。 He fucking thinks he's the boss when he is nothing but a *** licking *** sucking ass-kisser.
條仆街用屎窟諗。 This dumbfuck has *** for brains.
老實講,佢乜都唔識。 Frankly, he doesn't know ***.
每次見到條廢柴窒口窒舌咁講廢話就扯火,宜得兜巴摑到佢仆街。 Everytime I saw that fuckchop jibbering rubbish, I got so pissed off that I wanted to smack the *** out of him.
呢個又蠢又固執老究竟知唔知自己做緊乜? Does this ***-headed old man know what the bloody hell he is doing?
太過份! It's too fucking much!
點解呢條仆街廢柴重可以繼續做落去?我真係唔明白。 Why is such a lamefuck still allowed to stay in his job? I just don't fucking get it.
我真係好憎條仆街。 I really hate that son of a ***.
呢條仆街咸家鏟打得佢少! He's the fucking cocksucker who needs the *** kicked out of him.
正一仆街契弟! What a fucking *** lick faggot!
收皮啦,廢! Fucking go home, you useless ***!
快仆街啦,賤人! Drop dead, you pigfucker!
那星仆街咸家鏟! Fucking-fuckity-***-***-fuuuuuck!
睇佢地,成班都係食屎屙飯白癡! Look at them, what a bunch of cretinous shithead fuckwads!
我前途掌握呢班死蠢仆街手裡面,都咪話唔心實。 It is fucking sad that our future is in the hands of these god damn fuckwits.
你班死白癡擦鞋仔,食屎啦! Eat ***, you fucking lame brain bootlickers!
傾你老母! Can I have a word with you?
*** off!
我今日心情好差。 I feel like ass today.
快收聲,唔係打你! Fucking shut up or I'll beat the *** out of you!
我實爆你隻屎眼! I'm gonna shove my big fat *** up your ass.
搵日我實到佢反肚。 One of these days I'm gonna *** the *** out of him.
含啦你! Why don't you go and *** yourself?
*** off!
*** you!
死開啦! *** off!
Get the *** out of here!
Piss off!
!佢大姨媽。 ***! She is having a visit from Aunt Flo.
!做把咩。 ***! What's the fucking use of doing that fucking ***?
仆街!鎖匙留屋企度。 ***! I have left my keys at home.
!又衰。 Damn! I have screwed it up again.
仆街!唔記得個密碼。 Oh, ***! I've forgotten the password.
!揩花架車。 God damn it, I fucking scratched my car.
你慳啦! Go *** a duck!
嘩!條女好索。 Wow! That girl is fucking beautiful.
我開開會,放個好臭無聲屁,真係瘀到震。 In the middle of the meeting, I cut loose with a silent but deadly. It was so fucking embarrassing.
搵笨咋,專門呃初哥。 It's just a fucking con trick to fool the newbies.
你度做乜呀? What the *** are you doing here?
What are you fucking doing here?
條友好戇。 That guy is a damn fool.
呢度熱死人呀。 It is too damn hot here.
佢唱歌好掂。 He's a damn good singer.
條友係邊個? Who the hell is that guy?
呢乜? What the hell is this ***?
你以為你係邊個呀? Who the hell do you think you are?
你去邊度呀? Where the hell are you going?
你點解呃佢? Why the hell did you cheat him?
咁好伙記,我點樣炒得落手? How the hell can I fire such a good employee?
佢手車好辣。 He's a hell of a driver.
佢講棟篤笑講得好精采。 He's a fucking brilliant standup comedian.
呢係乜? What the *** is this?
咁真係好荒謬。 This is fucking ridiculous.
你有冇搞錯呀! What's fucking wrong with you!
我好趕呀。 I am in a fucking hurry.
呢條友真係好。 This guy is really shitty.
呢本書真係到暈。 This book is a real piece of ***.
我成世人都未見過到咁淒涼。 It's the most worthless piece of *** I've ever seen in my fucking life.
你想點樣就點樣啦。 Do what the *** you want to do.
咁你想我點樣? Well, what the *** do you want from me?
咁就正晒。 That'd be fucking great.
個插蘇邊度呀? Where the *** is the socket?
佢同條仔第一次約會就上床,但係兩日後條仔就飛佢。 She had sex with the guy on their first date. But he fucking dumped her two days later.
你講得好。 You're fucking-A right.
You're fucking-A-number-one right.
我發誓冇做過! I didn't fucking do it, I swear!
我快走啦! Let's get the *** out of here!
搞乜呀? What the *** is going on here?
咁點樣? So fucking what?
我理得咁多。/我話之佢啦。 I don't give a ***.
I don't give a damn.
I don't give a ***.
好唔好食?好條! How's the food?
It sucks. / It tastes like ***.
你唔出聲,邊個知? If you keep quiet, who's gonna fucking find out?
喂,唔使咁擔心。 Come on, don't be a *** about it.
喂,使乜咁騰雞呀,冇乜大不了。 C'mon, don't be such a chickenshit - it's really no big deal.
廢話咪多講。 Now cut the crap.
Don't talk bullshit.
可唔可以借錢畀我?借你條! Can you lend me some money?
Damned / Fucked if I will!
畀你嚇死。 You scared me shitless.
佢好惡死咁睥實我,又豎起隻中指對我做個粗口手勢。 He stared at me angrily and gave me a fucking finger.
死臭,你夠膽咁樣同我講? You *** *** whore. How dare you fucking ever talk to me like that.
佢出晒名係完鬆啦。 He's a notorious ***-and-run guy.
死仔,你整壞我部電腦喇! You've screwed my computer, ***!
唔打,到死喇! How about another four rounds of mahjong?
No, I'm fucked.
條碌戇,連自己大相公都唔知。 The jackass didn't even notice he had a long suit.
行快啦! Move your fucking ass!
Get your ass in gear!
點知喎。 Is he coming?
*** knows / *** if I know.
你呃我咩! You're shitting me!
唔使理規條! *** the rules!
佢落足咀頭想條肥上床。 He tried to talk the fat ass into bed.
佢心情唔多靚,你精就唔好去惹佢。 You don't want to *** with him. He's in bad moods.
如果你再搞喎單,我實聽仆街。 If you *** this up again, we'll be in deep ***.
個計劃衰晒。 The project was a complete ***-up.
喂,咪亂搞我架新相機。 Hey, don't *** with my new camera.
個房入面乜都冇。 There's *** all in the room.
我成日乜都冇食過呀。 I've had *** all to eat all day.
我畀個仆街經紀呃。 I got fucked by the fucking broker.
大佬,條女唔係醜,係好醜! Man, the *** is not just ugly, she's fugly!
佢正一係爛口鬼,講少句粗口都唔得。 He's a god damn potty-mouth who cannot go one second without saying one fucking swearword.

11.6 粗口委婉句的英譯


妖! Shoot!
關你叉事。 It's none of your freaking business.
你條咸家富貴。 You son of a gun.
你做乜諗呀? What the heck are you doing?
佢好很快就較腳啦。 He left doggone fast.
真係好Q正。 It was darn so good.
嘩,刁那星,你睇佢對波! Geez! Look at her ***.
昭記鹵味!佢地搞搞震冇幫襯! Martha Focker! They just fucked around without buying anything.

第12章 說粗口的法律問題







《海洋公園附例》(香港法例第388B章) 第5條規定:

《體育場規例》(香港法例第132BY章) 第10條規定:

《公眾生(動物及禽鳥)規例》(香港法例第139A章) 第45條規定:

《地下鐵路附例》(香港法例第556B章) 第28H條規定:

《防止滋擾和規管乘車規則》(香港法例第107A章) 第12條規定:

《山頂纜車附例》(香港法例第265B章) 第11條規定:

《渡輪服務規例》(香港法例第104A章) 第26條規定:

《天星小輪有限公司附例》(香港法例第104E章) 第4條規定:

《香港油地小輪船公司附例》(香港法例第104D章) 第4條規定:

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